Sumo News Round-up 2024.2.3

Yes, the tournament is over. Terunofuji won in spectacular fashion against the impressive Kotonowaka. Our coverage from the tournament is collected here. Nevertheless, this week is jam-packed with sumo news.

Shin-Ozeki Kotonowaka

Kotonowaka was promoted to Ozeki, as expected. He came tantalizingly close to a yusho and was understandably disappointed to lose in the playoff. His performance over the past three basho has been of a consistent, high quality. But if we look back further, we can see a reliable, top-level sekitori since May of 2022.

Sumo fans everywhere were expecting him to change his shikona to Kotozakura, the shikona used by his grandfather. However, he has decided to stick with Kotonowaka for the time being, and will change his shikona in May.

Juryo Promotions Released

Along with Kotonowaka’s Ozeki promotion, the Banzuke Committee released the names of those makushita wrestlers who earned promotion to Juryo. This time, four rikishi return to juryo, no debutantes. We finally see the long-awaited returns of Wakatakakage and Hakuoho to the ranks of sekitori, along with journeymen Tsushimanada and Kitaharima.

You will remember that Wakatakakage and Hakuoho were top division wrestlers who suffered unfortunate injuries to the knee and shoulder, respectively, which required surgery and long rehab. In Wakatakakage’s case, he was Sekiwake in March of 2023 when he blew up his knee falling onto the tawara. Hakuoho’s shoulder had been a nagging concern going back to his amateur days. His other shoulder had surgery before going pro and the intense action of Makuuchi seemed to require the same surgery to be repeated on the opposite side after Nagoya 2023.

Both men dropped into Makushita during their rehab but will rise together in March 2024. Wakatakakage won the yusho, following up on his 5-2 in Kyushu. Hakuoho lost one bout to another standout, Onokatsu, to finish 6-1. Onokatsu lost his next match to Wakatakakage and he also finished 6-1, narrowly missing out on promotion.

Setsubun (February 3)

I’ve written about this a few times. Setsubun is a festival to celebrate the coming of spring. You have just cleaned the house at the beginning of January during “oosouji,” so let’s make an absolute mess of things again by throwing beans or peanuts at one of the kids, who runs around the house wearing a devil mask, and shouting “oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi” (“Bad spirits out! Fortune in!”) Brilliant. And, let’s top it off by standing up and eating a long sushi roll (eho-maki) while facing the same direction. This year, for those who observe, it’s east-north-east. With all of the kyujo from January, we need all the help we can get!

Tochinoshin Retirement Ceremony

Tochinoshin had his retirement ceremony at Kokugikan. These events feature exhibition bouts and various demonstrations, building up to the main event…the haircut. Yobidashi perform drum demonstrations while Tokoyama show how they make the infamous oicho-mage hairstyle donned by sekitori during tournaments. The Kasugano stable’s own Jiro is the top-ranked tate-yobidashi, and did the taiko demonstration while Tokotakumi, the level four Tokoyama, used Tochimusashi as his model. This was likely to be a role for Aoiyama but he was kyujo, as was Hokuseiho.

Kasugano-oyakata with the final snip

Gyoji certainly do not get the day off as they officiate bouts as well as participate in the Shokkiri. The comedy duo of Wakazakura and Tochimitsuru teamed up with Nishikido-beya’s Kimura Kintaro to lighten the mood with the famous “How NOT to Sumo” routine. Jinku included Yuki and Kasugano’s Tochigidake. At the end of the makuuchi bouts, Tochikodai closed things out with the bow-twirling ceremony.

Tochinoshin has been one of the most successful foreign wrestlers, reaching the level of Ozeki largely through the brute force of what sumo fans knew as his “sky-crane.” He was particularly known for his rivalry with Ichinojo, with whom he fought several epic bouts, including the famous water-break bout. It seems that many wrestlers have had spectacular comebacks from injury lately, and Tochinoshin’s career is certainly notable for how he overcame a knee injury, dropped out of the professional ranks, and clawed his way back past his previous best rank to reach Ozeki.

A long list of sumo dignitaries took turns with the scissors, taking a snip of his topknot, including Asashoryu, Hakuho, Terunofuji, and his compatriots, Kokkai and Gagamaru. Former stablemate Tochiozan was also in attendance but, as mentioned above, kyujo Aoiyama was not.

Tochinoshin will not continue his career in the sumo association. He has been working with wine makers of his native Georgia to help promote Georgian wine. If one thinks that there are only two major types of wine, red and white, you likely have not had an opportunity to enjoy a Georgian “Amber.” Georgia is famous for being the birthplace of wine — no, not Italy or France. Yes, they have red and white wine, as well. But not many wines from the region (of any variety) find themselves in our shops or restaurants, so there is certainly lots of work ahead for Mr. Sky Crane.

Natsu Day 6 Highlights

The first day of act 2, and the final day before the middle weekend. We had one of the undefeated rikishi pick up their first loss, and we finally got to see Hokuseiho show some energy.

A salute to Tochinoshin, who handed in his retirement papers today with the Sumo Association. He still has the heart of a warrior, but his body has simply had as much as it can take. Fans won’t forget how you blew the doors off your Ozeki run, or the joy of watching you deploy the “Sky-crane” against even the largest and heaviest of men.

On to the matches!

Highlight Matches

Bushozan defeats Ichiyamamoto – Bushozan comes for a visit, and gives Ichiyamamoto the business. Ichiyamamoto gets a volley in, but as soon as Bushozan gets inside and gets a hold, he’s in charge. He drives Ichiyamamoto back and even a last moment grab and pull can’t save him from the oshidashi. Bushozan returns to Juryo 5-1, and may make his way back to the top division in July.

Oho defeats Tsurugisho – Good to see Oho win back to back matches. He caught the tachiai from Tsurugisho well enough, but delivered an immediate tsukiotoshi that sent Tsurugisho tumbling. Both end the day 3-3.

Asanoyama defeats Mitoryu – Mitoryu is much to rubbery and flabby to pose much of a contest to the future Ozeki. Message to all rikishi in the top division that have not fought Asanoyama because he was out. Once that left hand outside grip is engaged, break it at once or eat the loss. Asanoyama improves to 6-0.

Chiyoshoma defeats Kagayaki – We are about to start the middle weekend, and Kagayaki has a single win. Excellent grab-n-tug demonstration from Chiyoshoma today. He breaks Kagayaki’s balance quickly, and shoves what’s left to the clay for his 3rd win, finishing the day 3-3.

Myogiryu defeats Aoiyama – It’s a good day, as we got to see the V-Twin in action from Big Dan Aoiyama. He was not close to his maximum force, but given the state of his left knee, I think it was all he could muster. Myogiryu was in trouble until he was able to dive in and set up a right hand inside body grip. The resulting yotsu battle went surprisingly well, in spite of Aoiyama favoring that left knee as much as he could, and the two battled back and forth for a good while. At a pause, Myogiryu consolidated his grip, which gave him the body position to raise Aoiyama and walk him out for a yorikiri, ending the day at 4-2. Solid effort from both.

Hokuseiho defeats Kotoeko – Have to admire the brass on Kotoeko. He opens with a nodowa against Hokuseiho. Frankly, I was not aware he could reach that high. I think Kotoeko concluded that as well, and focused on body attacks against Hokuseiho. This seemed to finally, for the first time this month, energize young Hokuseiho into vigorous action. Hey, he actually can move around when the situation requires it. This only provoked Kotoeko further, and in a second we had a real battle to watch. As was always the case once Kotoeko got Hokuseiho active, he simply picked up the massive yet still diminutive Kotoeko and lifted him with all of the precision of an improvised hoist rescuing a rhino from a drainage ditch. But it was enough for the yorikiri, and Hokuseiho is now 5-1.

Onosho defeats Takarafuji – Takarafuji brought the “defend” but could not sell the “extend” today. The moment he grabs and rotates before his grip is set is the moment he opens the door for Onosho to push him down for his 3rd loss. Both end the day 3-3.

Hiradoumi defeats Daishoho – I have to wonder if Daishoho assumed his much larger size was going to carry him this match. Hiradoumi could care less, and gave Daishoho quite a fight. Both showed some superior yotsu technique in this match, but I was wincing watching Daishoho bandaged right elbow caught in Hiradoumi’s ottsuke. A Daishoho attempt at a kimidashi fell apart, and gave Hiradoumi all he needed for the yorikiri. Nicely done.

Takanosho defeats Ryuden – Impressive to watch Takanosho move Ryuden so effectively while not really having to defend against a lot of forward pressure. That may the key to him winning matches for this basho. Note how he keeps turning Ryuden so he can’t push back. Takanosho improves to 2-4.

Mitakeumi defeats Sadanoumi – It’s glorious to see old-style Mitakeumi sumo. For recent fans of sumo, this is in fact “his brand of sumo”. He never really stands up from this tachiai strike, and you can see both hands inside, his knees forward and he pushes like a truck. Sadanoumi is completely bracketed, and his mobility and speed utterly useless to escape. Solid oshidashi takes Mitakeumi to 4-2.

Kinbozan defeats Tamawashi – Good combo from Tamawashi to start, but only at a fraction of his normal power. He gets off his balance and Kinbozan pushes him from behind. I think it should have been an okuridashi, but oh whatever. Kinbozan no kachi at 3-3.

Hokutofuji defeats Kotoshoho – It pains me to see Kotoshoho struggle as much as he is this basho. Hokutofuji has no such reservation, dispatching him in a hurry with a quick stand him up / slap him down combo, to advance to 3-3.

Meisei defeats Ura – I had hopes that Ura could be the first man to put dirt on Meisei, but this guy is red hot right now, and I don’t think we will see him take a black star until he faces some tougher opponents. Ura was a bit too low, bounced back at the tachiai, and could never set his feet. Meisei now 6-0.

Midorifuji defeats Endo – The question of “who is the bottom man on the torikumi?” has finally been solved, and sadly its Endo. He had plenty of energy and power for today’s match, but a poor choice of moves put him at the mercy of Midorifuji, and he caught an oshidashi for his troubles. Midorifuji gets his first win and is 1-5.

Shodai defeats Kotonowaka – Kotonowaka has now lost the last 3 in a row, and I think his chances of participating in the yusho race are gone. We got to see some real Shodai sumo, which is always a treat, using his big body to incrementally whittle down the size of the ring that Kotonowaka could employ. Shodai picks up his second win and is now 2-4.

Kiribayama defeats Tobizaru – I recognize that Kiribayama showed us some world class sumo today, but that was really facilitated by Tobizaru’s excellent defensive technique in this match. I wish this guy to put together all of the pieces he shows us on various days, he’s a world beater if he ever can. Kiribayama? He’s on his way up to be certain, he’s now 5-1.

Abi defeats Wakamotoharu – Abi scores first dirt on Wakamotoharu, and frankly Wakamotoharu bought it for full retail. Abi absorbs the tachiai at a deflecting angle, leaving Wakamotoharu unbalanced as Abi grabs and pulls down into a katasukashi. Abi now at 3-3.

Daieisho defeats Hoshoryu – The zero sumo game to determine who might make a bid to become the next Ozeki will be bloody and brutal, as is the way of this sport. Daieisho made contact first in the tachiai, and Hoshoryu never really recovered. Even when they broke contact for a moment and re-engaged, Hoshoryu was clearly off his match plan and was quickly shoved out by a Daieisho mega-thrust. Daieisho improves to 5-1.

Takakeisho defeats Nishikifuji – Nishikifuji’s single minded focus on getting a grip cost him a match he could have won. His sumo was easy to anticipate, and Takakeisho with his stubby arms has been defending against these moves his entire life. Takakeisho pushes the thrashing mess that is Nishikifuji’s sumo today out by oshidashi to advance to 4-2.

Terunofuji defeats Nishikigi – As is traditional with Terunofuji, congratulations on establishing a grip on the Yokozuna, please enjoy the visit to the clay. Terunofuji undefeated at 6-0.

Tochinoshin Retires

Yesterday afternoon rumors started to spread that Tochinoshin had retired. The only news I was finding at that time were a few social media posts and an article out of his native Georgia but nothing seemed to be official, so I wanted to hold off on the report until I got more concrete word. I fell asleep sometime during Jonidan action but when I woke up, I woke up to images of Tochinoshin in a blue kimono in front of the purple and white Sumo Kyokai press-conference backdrop. It’s official. Former Ozeki, Tochinoshin, has retired.

Perhaps it’s fitting that the end of his career comes on the heels of Ichinojo’s retirement because during their heyday, their bouts were always a highlight bout featuring Tochinoshin’s strength versus Ichinojo’s size. That sky-crane strength catapulted Tochinoshin to a top-division title in 2018 which precipitated his successful Ozeki-tori, which was really the pinnacle of his career.

Injuries had hindered his initial, rapid, rise up the banzuke, forcing him to miss several tournaments in 2013 and fall into Makushita. He came back, though, and barnstormed his way to consecutive Makushita titles, then consecutive Juryo titles, on his way back to the top division and eventually, the sport’s second-highest rank. But he, and the sumo world, knew that he was fighting on borrowed time. He had a short reign as Ozeki and his performance declined during the pandemic years as he slid, agonizingly, into Juryo. Winless in Tokyo, and with demotion from sekitori status a greater possibility, he has called it quits.

Tochinoshin does not have a kabu and will likely return to Georgia. His influence there, along with Gagamaru, will hopefully continue to spark interest in the sport and hopefully a new generation of recruits to compete at the highest levels.

Hatsu Day 15 Highlights

Congratulations to Ozeki Takakeisho for a glorious final match. It was not an upset given the long odds that Kotoshoho faced against you, but that was still some red-hot sumo action in the “Brawl to end it all”. With the final win, Takakeisho claims his third yusho, after racking up two jun-yusho in the prior year, the most recent in November. Sumo fans wonder if there is any desire to install Takakeisho as a second Yokozuna following what has been a solid 2-3 years of mostly high performance. It would give them an insurance policy against a lack of Ozeki, by ensuring that both he and Terunofuji could be out with injuries at the same time, and there would be no risk of having to bend the rules around the banzuke needing two men at the top. Silly as it seems, Japan loves its traditions.

With the end of Hatsu, we are once again left wondering who the next Ozeki will be. There was a great deal of talk around a cluster of hopefuls two weeks ago. There were at least three names: Hoshoryu, Wakatakakage, and Takayasu. All of them feel short of their goals. Meanwhile in Juryo, Asanoyama finished 14-1 with the yusho, and I think we will see him in the top division in Osaka. Given the typical need to rack up three double digit wins from san’yaku to be considered for promotion, we have to wonder if Asanoyama really might be the next man to be promoted (in this case re-promoted) to Ozeki. All three of the names above are restarting any Ozeki run in March, and the earliest they might qualify would be following Nagoya, but Kyushu is more likely. Could Asanoyama have 33 wins in san’yaku by the end of November? Not out of the question. Going to be a fun year for sumo.

Highlight Matches

Chiyomaru defeats Daiamami – I am surprised that Daiamami fell for the “stand him up, pull him down” combo, which was all Chiyomaru has been able to run for the past 10 days. But good enough! Chiyomaru finishes Hatsu 4-11, and will return to Juryo.

Oho defeats Kagayaki – Kagayaki fails to overcome his Darwin status, and ends Hatsu make-koshi at 7-8. I had figured the chances that this was “gimmie” match to get him to kachi-koshi turned out to be wrong, as Oho rallies for the final day to squeeze out a win, and end at 4-11.

Ura defeats Azumaryu – Ura is able to maintain his super-low position from the tachiai, and once he had contact with Azumaryu, there was no stopping him. For a moment Azumaryu almost had control back, but could not stop Ura from attacking underneath. 7-8 finish for Ura, 9-6 for Azumaryu.

Sadanoumi defeats Chiyoshoma – Chiyoshoma hits double digit losses with his final day loss to Sadanoumi. Sadanoumi was intent on establishing and then maintaining a left hand inside grip, and it left him open to several solid counter moves from Chiyoshoma. But has been the case this January, Chiyoshoma just lacked enough power to make it work. He finally got his throw in, but he had already stepped out before he could bring Sadanoumi down. Sadanoumi finishes 6-9, Chiyoshoma 5-10.

Ichiyamamoto defeats Nishikifuji – Ichiyamamoto hits double digits for his first time in the top division, with a hatakikomi over faltering Nishikifuji. A volley of double arm thrusts, into a quick pull down, and it was all over. Nishikifuji ends January 4-11, Ichiyamamoto 10-5.

Mitoryu defeats Midorifuji – Midorifuji could not overcome the tremendous size difference with Mitoryu. He was able to repel a couple of Mitoryu’s initial attacks, but lunged inside hard to grapple Mitoryu, and Mitoryu slapped him to the clay. Mitoryu gets a final win to finish 7-8, Midorifuji a final loss at 6-9.

Abi defeats Tsurugisho – Our second Darwin match, and it seems that Abi-zumo can still eek out a kachi-koshi this January. There was a moment where Tsurugisho broke Abi’s balance, but could not convert that into anything offensive. Abi ends Hatus 8-7, with Tsurugisho 7-8.

Tamawashi defeats Hiradoumi – First attempt was a matta, second attempt at a tachiai looked just as off tempo as the first, but the fight was on. Hiradoumi did fairly well, but he’s really out-classed against a healthy Tamawashi. Hiradoumi tried to maintain contact as Tamawashi dialed up the forward pressure, but a final shove tossed Hiradoumi down the hanamichi. Hiradoumi finishes 8-7, Tamawashi 9-6.

Mitakeumi defeats Takarafuji – This seems like an even match for both of these diminished top division mainstay. Mitakeumi’s ottsuke is able to stop Takarafuji from setting up any offense, and Mitakeumi kept pushing forward. Mitakeumi gets a final win to cushion his fall down the banzuke, his final score is 7-8, Takarafuji 8-7.

Daieisho defeats Aoiyama – Daieisho had the big attack group early, overwhelming Aoiyama, and making him take a step back. At that point, Aoiyama decided he needed a pull, and that ended just about as well as you might imagine. Aoiyama stepped out a moment later giving Daieisho double digit wins for Hatsu at 10-5, Aoiyama finished with a worthy 8-7.

Tobizaru defeats Kotoeko – The next Darwin match, Kotoeko starts with a double hand strike to Tobizaru’s shoulders, into an immeidate slap down. It fails and now Kotoeko has Tobizaru at full power, attacking his chest. Kotoeko can’t hold ground, and attempts a pull. In response Tobizaru delivers a strong shove to the chest, pushing Kotoeko out for his kachi-koshi, and an 8-7 final score for Hatsu. Kotoeko make-koshi at 7-8.

Wakamotoharu defeats Endo – A fascinating battle for grip and body position. With both of these rikishi wanting to set up a yotsu-zumo match on their terms, it was always going to be about where the other man’s hands fell. It was Wakamotoharu who got set up first, and he took only two steps to set Endo out by yorikiri. Both end Hatsu with 9-6 scores.

Meisei defeats Takanosho – I do hope that whatever has been causing problems for Takanosho during the past six months can be cleared up. Again today he loses a match he could have and maybe should have won. Meisei did a masterful job of keeping him moving, out of step and off balance until he could run him out by okuridashi. That final win for Meisei puts him at 5-10, Takanosho finishes 6-9.

Kotonowaka defeats Hokutofuji – The last of our Darwin matches, and I must express satisfaction that Kotonowaka was able to help Hokutofuji rack up, yet again, “The most powerful make-koshi in all of sumo”. It just does not feel like a Hatsu basho unless Hokutofuji is make-koshi. Kotonowaka 8-7 to end the tournament, Hokutofuji 7-8.

Kiribayama defeats Ryuden – Congratulations to Kiribayama on his second technique prize, some outstanding sumo this entire month. Ryuden gave him a tough fight, featuring awkward endurance postures, circle dancing, and a long stalemate. Kudos to Ryuden for not conceding a single step on the clay, excellent sumo sir. Kiribayama finishes him by yorikiri, and ends Hatsu 11-4, Ryuden with a respectable 9-6.

Myogiryu defeats Shodai – As guessed in the preview, Shodai racks up the exact same score in his “ozekiwake” tournament that Mitakeumi did in November before being flushed down the banzuke to Maegashira 2. Myogiryu had the better tachiai, and a face slap after Shodai shut him down broke open an attack route to switch up his grip. Myogiryu charged ahead and walked Shodai out. Both finish the tournament at 6-9.

Hoshoryu defeats Onosho – Onosho misses out on a win, and a fighting spirit prize when he ends up pulling Hoshoryu’s top knot in the heat of their match. After driving Hoshoryu back, Onosho decides to pull him forward, and gets a hand on Hoshoryu’s mage as he brings him down. A mono-ii confirms it, and Onosho is disqualified, giving Hoshoryu a final day 8th win and kachi-koshi.

Wakatakakage defeats Nishikigi – Absolutely brilliant sumo from Nishikigi, this guy has made a visible step change in his sumo, and is fighting better than I have ever seen him fight before. I expect this quality of sumo from Wakatakakage, as he will be Ozeki before long, but this was quite the surprise from Nishikigi, good show sir. Wakatakakage eventually catches him lunging forward, and finishes Nishikigi by hatakikomi. Both end Hatsu with 9-6 records, and I am quite certain we will see Nishikigi in the joi-jin for March.

Takakeisho defeats Kotoshoho – My compliments to Kotoshoho for making it this far, you far exceeded all expectations and showed the fans what you are capable of. But HOLY CRAP! Who had Takakeisho winning the yusho with a throw in your list of “must see in 2023?”. I think it surprised Kotoshoho too, as Takakeisho opened with a typical thrusting combo, then hooked his left arm around Kotoshoho’s body and let it fly. Wow! Kotoshoho finishes Hatsu with the jun-yusho at 11-4, Takekeisho the cup and a 12-3 final.

That concludes our daily reporting of the 2023 Hatsu basho, a glorious festival of sumo that has been one of the better tournaments in a while. Thank you dear readers for sharing our joy of sumo as we brought you coverage during the past 15 days. We look forward to bringing you the action from Osaka in March.