The Day After Aki

While Harumafuji was holding a post-yusho news conference, the Yokozuna Deliberation Committee was convening for its regular post-basho meeting.

“Ouch, my elbow!” – his joke, not mine

The meeting is held to assess the situation of existing Yokozuna, and also discuss future prospective Yokozuna. And the hero of Aki 2017 was complimented all around, and seems to have passed his assessment with flying colors.

“While we can’t compliment him for his early losses and negative record of the first week, we can only consider his tenacity and resolve following that with the utmost respect” said Masato Kitamura, the chairman of the YDC. Other members expressed similar opinions.

Compared to the other Yokozuna, Harumafuji was in the least advantageous position, with his previous yusho having been won more than a year ago. But after his performance in Aki, despite his recent kyujo and less-than-brilliant star balance, there will be no pressure on him for any make-or-break decisions.

And indeed, he is not considering intai at the moment. In that press conference, he said that his goal now is to win his 10th yusho and achieve double-figures, and that he will practice and prepare with that goal in mind. Attaboy!

Regarding the other three Yokozuna, the YDC issued its standard message that “it hopes to see them return to active duty in perfect condition”. The jun-yusho winner, Goeido, was not brought up in the deliberations. Goeido and his stablemaster both admitted that there is no chance of this jun-yusho to be considered part of a rope-run. “Not with 11-4, especially not in a basho where three Yokozuna and two Ozeki were absent” said Sakaigawa oyakata.

Goeido as captured by Futagoyama oyakata

Goeido himself had a casual meal with Futagoyama oyakata earlier today. He still seems shell-shocked.

Main source: Tokyo Sports

4 thoughts on “The Day After Aki

  1. Figures that Goeido is drowning his sorrows in white wine! (or it’s one of those restaurants that gives you everything in wine glasses, which annoys the heck out of me)

    I look forward to the whole Yokozuna squad being back in action, feels like it’s been too long.

    • Actually, this was a steak dinner (I didn’t feel like including the steak shot from the same tweet would benefit the readers…), so definitely the wrong wine. :-)

      Re yokozuna squad, I’m a little worried about Hakuho, as his Shisho was less sanguine than his deshi about his health, and explicitly said that his knee has not healed yet.

      • Well the other option was he’s drinking shochu straight from a wine glass with steak, but there’s no need to be that depressed. There’s always another basho.

        That’s not reassuring about Hakuho, I really don’t want him to go out there and make it worse like Ura and Terunofuji just did. He’s got more records yet to break!

        • I believe Hakuho is smart enough not to do himself damage. He’ll be stretching the limits of kyujo until he feels safe enough to return. I think he doesn’t really give a damn about all the rules and pressures, and does what suits him best. What he says in public is a different matter.

          Does Goeido really have “another basho”? He is also 31 years old. This basho was his best opportunity for a yusho and half a rope-run. It’s like Hakuho and the Futabayama record. As he gets older, the chances of him succeeding in that get slimmer.


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