Guess Who’s Back, Back Again… Hak Is Back, Tell a Friend

I wanted to post the good news from Herouth:

Somehow, this song came to mind with the news. And now it is stuck in my head. If it sticks in someone else’s, I will be free.

2 thoughts on “Guess Who’s Back, Back Again… Hak Is Back, Tell a Friend

  1. Hakuho, please, please, please, please stay healthy (get healthy?) between now and September whatever. Every time I hear (arrggh) you are not competing or (egad, no!!) choose to leave a tournament partway through due to injury, it feels like a wet blanket the size of beautiful downtown Osaka has been thrown over the proceedings. Compete, dominate and reassure us all that you can do it any time you want. That’s not too much to ask from The King of the Ring, is it?


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