Short Jungyo Newsreel – October 8th

Today is Sunday. The Japanese media seem to be empty of news. So only a short update today.

🌐 Location: Mount Fuji

Yokozuna practice sessions

Kisenosato: sanban with Daieisho, butsukari with Onosho.

Kakuryu: sanban with Shodai again.

Harumafuji: still no on-dohyo practices. Said yesterday that he is still not past his tiredness from the Aki basho. Only dohyo-iri, no torikumi.

Torikumi of note

Kisenosato vs. Kakuryu:

Slapfest between Chiyonokuni and Takakeisho:

Takagenji vs. Daiseido:

This one mostly caught my eye because Takagenji is wearing a Makushita mawashi with an oicho-mage.

8 thoughts on “Short Jungyo Newsreel – October 8th

    • Yeah. At this stage Kakuryu looks much more likely to keep his oicho-mage through the Kyushu basho than Kisenosato.

      • Maybe the threat of losing their Japanese Yokozuna to injury will light a fire under the powers to be to amend the rules.

        So I assume this means Takagenji might be back up to Juryo. Hopefully he stays longer this time.

  1. Rather frustrating I couldn’t find anything about the Fuji leg of this tour. Up to Saitama, down to Fuji, back up to Ibaraki, back down to Shizoka prefecture? Rough stretch.


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